Exploring the Universe Crossword Puzzle

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  • false : the big bang has been able to be recreated in a lab. true or false?
  • black body : thermal radiation is also called _ radiation
  • expanded : a greater red shift tells us how much the universe has _
  • radio : pulsars are a source of _ waves
  • cosmological : the idea that there is no preferred location or best location in the universe is know as the _ principal
  • expanding : is space expanding or shrinking?
  • emission : one example of something that would have an _ spectrum is a florescent light
  • blue : objects moving towards us appear _
  • distance : comparing stars apparent and absolute magnitudes help us measure a stars _ to earth
  • dark : missing matter= _ matter
  • hotter : the universe has gotten _ over time
  • brighter : stars with a smaller number apparent magnitude appear to look _
  • fixed : the speed of light is a _ speed
  • closer : gravity is stronger if objects are _
  • faster : the farther away a galaxy is, the _ it is moving away from us (hubbles law)
  • mass : you can use binary stars to calculate what?
  • yes : is there evidence for water on mars?
  • more : hotter objects emit _ light at all wavelengths
  • released : in an atom, for an electron to move to a lower level, energy must be _
  • universe : 13.8 billion years is the age of the _
  • longer : objects moving away from us have a _ wavelength
  • wavelength : the distance between adjacent peaks
  • drake : the _ equation can be used to calculate the number of civilizations in our galaxy that we could receive a signal from
  • true : the sun is about the same density as water...true or false?
  • cosmology : the study of the universe as a whole