Specimen Handling and Labeling Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: match: the letter or number on your specimen bottle should _ the pathology sheet, repeat: the tech should _ out loud the bottle number and specimen location while collecting specimens, accounted: the debrief double checks to ensure the physician and team have _ for all specimens, lid: the specimen label should not be placed on the specimen _ , it should be positioned onto the container, pathology: during the debrief the team confirms patient name to id band, number of specimens collected, correct description, label is complete and legible, _ sheet matches labels on specimen bottles, debrief: prior to physician leaving the room the team reviews specimens collected for appropriate labeling. this is called a _ , site: the specimen label should also contain the specimen _ , collection: the rn should create the bridge label as close to _ time as possible, close: after logging specimen into a batch in specimen manager the nurse should _ the batch prior to logging out, fin: the patient name, dob, and _ number should be on the specimen label.