Epidemiology Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: food borne disease : microbial causes may be e.coli, morbidity rate : # of persons afflicted with an illness, sporadic : occasional cases are reported at irregular intervals at random locales, index case : the first patient found in an epidemiological investigation, influenza : a highly contagious, febrile, acute respiratory infection of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs caused by the influenza virus, prevalence : is the total number of existing cases with respect to the entire population, endemic : an infectious disease that exhibits a relatively steady frequency over a long time period in a particular area, tuberculosis : caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, latent tb : they are infected with m. tuberculosis, but do not have active tb disease, pandemic : spread of an epidemic across continents, mortality rate : total # of deaths in a population due to a certain disease, incidence of disease : measures the number of new cases over a certain time period, active tb : progression from latent tb infection, propagated epidemic : results from an infectious agent that is communicable from person to person and is sustained over time in a population, malaria : world’s most important tropical parasitic disease, epidemic : when statistics indicate that the prevalence of an endemic or sporadic disease is increasing beyond what is expected for a population, epidemiology : study of frequency and distribution of disease and other health-related factors in defined populations, point source epidemic : infectious agent came from a single source, - all “victims” exposed to it from that source