Health Ethics Crossword Puzzle

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  • dignity : treating patients with respect and honoring their preferences.
  • patients bill of rights : a document outlining the rights of patients receiving medical care.
  • veracity : the obligation to tell the truth and not deceive others.
  • utilitarianism : "actions are good insofar as they tend to promote happiness, bad as they tend to promote unhappiness"
  • informed consent : a patient's agreement to undergo a medical procedure after understanding the risks and benefits.
  • autonomy : the right of patients to make decisions about their medical care without their health care provider trying to influence the decision.
  • health ethics : science that deals with the study of the morality of human conduct as it concerns with health care delivery services
  • nonmaleficence : a principle focusing on minimizing harm
  • confidentiality : the principle that entails keeping patient information private.
  • morality : refers to the quality of human act
  • bioethics : is the discussion of the ethical concerns within the context of modern medicine and health care.
  • beneficence : the principle of doing good and preventing harm
  • disclosure : the process of divulging pertinent information to patients regarding their health status and treatment options.
  • justice : the principle of fairness in medical care.
  • code of ethics : corporate/business ; general principles of an organization's belief on matters such as mission, quality, privacy, or environment