Macro and Micronutrients Crossword Puzzle

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Macro and Micronutrients Crossword Puzzle

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  • carbohydrates : main source of energy for the body (14 letters).
  • protein : helps in building and repairing body tissues (7 letters).
  • fiber : indigestible part of plant foods that aids digestion (5 letters).
  • vitamins : organic compounds needed in small amounts for normal health (8 letters).
  • minerals : inorganic nutrients important for body functions like bone health (8 letters).
  • fat : a nutrient that provides energy and helps in the absorption of vitamins (3 letters).
  • calcium : mineral necessary for strong bones and teeth (7 letters).
  • iron : mineral essential for blood production (4 letters).
  • water : essential for life, helps regulate body temperature and remove waste (5 letters).
  • fruits : a food group rich in vitamins and fiber, often sweet (6 letters).
  • grains : food group that includes wheat, oats, and rice, often a source of carbohydrates (6 letters).
  • lipid : another term for fat, necessary for cell structure (5 letters).