Nutrition & Physical Activity Crossword Puzzle

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Nutrition & Physical Activity Crossword Puzzle

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  • warmup : it is important to _ before starting any exercise. this gives our hearts a chance to get ready to breath faster.
  • carbohydrates : _ comprise of mostly grains and some fruits and vegetables. this is what our body uses as the main energy source when exercising.
  • exercise : physical activity, or _ , is important at every age.
  • water : _ helps keep us hydrated, replenish fluid lost through sweat, and lubricates our joints.
  • protein : _ should be about 20% of our plate and is important to help repair, maintain, and grow our muscles.
  • aerobic : _ exercise is great for the heart and building endurance.
  • bones : exercise and calcium can help keep our _ strong and help to prevent fractures and falls.
  • falls : proper nutrition and exercise helps our bodies to become stronger, thus making injuries and _ more preventable.
  • cool down : after exercise, it is important to _ to help bring our heart rates back down to normal.
  • muscles : when resistance training, we should train all our major _ . this includes our legs, back ,arms, and abdomen.
  • stretch : remember to _ to help us warm-up and stay flexible.
  • healthy aging : nutrition and physical activity are two components of _ which promotes the benefits of a healthy lifestyle at every age.