Respiratory Diseaes Crossword Puzzle

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Respiratory Diseaes Crossword Puzzle

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  • external : the movement of o2 from lung to blood and co2 from blood to lung is ………..respiration
  • conducting : larynx is a part of ……………………… portion
  • three: right lung consists of ……………lobes
  • glands: one of important difference between bronchi and bronchioles is that it contains ……
  • penumocyte2 : name of cells that produce surfactant in alveoli
  • alveoli: part of lung where gas exchange take place
  • fibroblast: cells that present in the interstitial tissue
  • elastin: stretchability of the lung is due to presence of ……. in the interstitial tissue
  • surfactant: molecules that is responsible for 2/3 of lung elastic recoil
  • dyspnea: : it is subjective sensation of uncomfortable breathing
  • expansion: pulmonary edema affect lung …….
  • dvt: the most common sources of embolism is ………
  • atelectasis: it is the loss of lung volume caused by inadequate expansion of airspaces.
  • pneumonia: one of the causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome is ……
  • chronic bronchitis: it is persistent productive cough for at least 3 months occurring within a span of 2 years
  • squamous : one of the complication of chronic bronchitis is …….. cell carcinoma
  • respiratory : emphysema is the disease of ……………… bronchioles
  • cor pulmonale: one of complication of emphysema
  • reversible: bronchial asthma is ………………
  • atopic asthma: type of asthma that cause increase in ige
  • restrictive: type of lung disease that is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis ( lost its elasticity).