Blood Borne Pathogen Crossword Puzzle

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Blood Borne Pathogen Crossword Puzzle

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  • hepatitis b : vaccine available. causes serious liver disease. symptoms include: loss of appetite and fatigue, nausea/vomiting and itching all over the body, pain over the liver (right side of abdomen, under the lower rib cage), jaundice (skin and whites of eyes turn yellow), urine become dark in color (like cola), stools are pale in color (gray/clay)
  • hepatitis c : most common blood borne pathogen. it can survive outside the body in dried blood up to a week or more.
  • blood : potentially infectious material
  • bio hazard bag : place anything that is potentially contaminated in a _ which is supplied in the bodily fluid disposal kits. always double bag. alert safety manager to arrange for pick-up.
  • indirect transmission : touching a contaminated surface and then touching your mouth, eyes, nose or open skin.
  • protective barriers : examples: disposable gloves, safety glasses, masks, and aprons. always avoid touching your skin with contaminated items.
  • hepatitis a : fecal-oral spread.
  • dried blood : only hep b and hep c can be transmitted through this
  • infected blood : one way to become infected
  • universal precautions : good housekeeping, washing your hands, proper waste disposal, preventive work practices, using protective barriers are examples of
  • accidents : are a potential risk of exposure
  • hiv : leads to aids. no vaccine. symptoms can include: fever and headache, loss of appetite and weight loss, chronic fatigue, nausea and diarrhea, skin rashes and enlarged lymph nodes