Hypothermia Crossword Puzzle

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Hypothermia Crossword Puzzle

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  • teenagers : this group is at risk for hypothermia because they often under dress for the weather conditions.
  • water : this liquid draws heat away from the body 25 to 30 times faster than air.
  • hypothermia : another name for exposure.
  • radiation : this is how heat moves from your body into the surrounding air.
  • evaporates : when sweat does this, it has a cooling effect on the body.
  • elderly : this group is at risk for hypothermia because they often have poor circulation, do not sense the cold and may be on medication that promotes heat loss.
  • hat : wearing this will help prevent hypothermia.
  • shrink : the blood vessels in the skin do this to help maintain core temperature.
  • wet : this type of clothing causes severe heat loss.
  • cpr : do this if a hypothermic casualty is not breathing.
  • help : this position is used to help prevent heat loss if you are immersed in water.
  • moderate : this stage of hypothermia is characterized by shivering and slurred speech.
  • drunkeness : hypothermia may be mistaken for a stroke, drug abuse or this condition.
  • blanket : sitting on this will help reduce heat loss.
  • core : this temperature drops when your body loses more heat than it produces.
  • shivering : one of the first things the body does when it is losing too much heat.
  • breath : internal heat is lost every time you do this.
  • severe : this stage of hypothermia is characterized by unconsciousness.
  • convection : the skin is cooled by this method when heat on the surface is removed by the wind.
  • conduction : heat is lost this way when you sit on the cold ground or wet clothing.
  • babies : this group are less able to recover from mild and moderate hypothermia because they lose heat more quickly and their bodies don't control heat as effectively as adults.
  • mild : this stage of hypothermia is characterized by shivering and slurred speach.
  • wind : wrapping a patient in a space blanket will help keep this out.