X-Ray Crossword Puzzle

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  • radiology : the study of x-rays and their medical applications
  • skeleton : the bony framework of the body
  • radiation : energy emitted in the form of waves or particles
  • lead : material used to shield against x-rays
  • apron : protective garment worn during x-ray procedures
  • dosage : amount of radiation received
  • fracture : a broken bone
  • pelvis : the bony structure at the base of the spine
  • femur : the thigh bone is also called as
  • dislocation : displacement of a joint
  • grey : x-ray shows body tissues in shades of ?
  • still : during an x-ray, you should try to remain ….
  • cavity : what x-rays help dentists detect between teeth
  • film : material used to capture x-ray images