Digestion and Excretion Crossword Puzzle

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Digestion and Excretion Crossword Puzzle

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  • pepsin : enzyme that chemically digests proteins in your food.
  • large intestine : where water is reabsorbed into the blood stream.
  • chemical : _ digestion is when food is broken up by acids and enzymes.
  • teeth : primary part of the mouth that does mechanical digestion.
  • absorption : process of nutrient molecules passing through the wall of the digestive track into your blood
  • stomach : where a lot of the chemical digestion occurs.
  • villi : tiny finger-like structures that help you absorb nutrients in the small intestine
  • mouth : first part of the digestive system.
  • enzymes : these are proteins that speed up chemical reactions.
  • pancreas : produces enzymes for the small intestine
  • homeostasis : keeping all your body systems in balance.
  • liver : breaks down food particles and produces bile.
  • urinary : _ bladder is a sack like structure that holds urine.
  • peristalsis : the involuntary waves of muscle contraction that move food down the esophagus.
  • small intestine : where most of the nutrients are absorbed
  • mechanical : _ digestion is when food is broken up by movement.
  • digestion : the process of breaking down nutrients into molecules your body can use.
  • salivary : _ glands produce the saliva that starts digestion
  • nephrons : the _ are like tiny filtering factories in the kidney
  • esophagus : muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
  • epiglottis : flap that keeps food from going down your windpipe.
  • gallbladder : stores bile
  • urine : watery liquid that contains wastes and urea.