Nail Disorders / Diseases Crossword Puzzle

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Nail Disorders / Diseases Crossword Puzzle

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  • onychomycosis : fungal infection of the natural nail
  • kiolonchia : also known spoon nails; inverted or concaved nails
  • pseudomonas : common bacteria that can lead to a bacterial infection that appears as a green, yellow, or black discoloration of the nail bed
  • onychogryposis : also known as rams horn or claw nails; an enlargement of the fingernails or toenails accompanied by increased thickening and curvature
  • onychomadesis : separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed.
  • tinea pedis : also known as athletes foot.
  • plicatured nails : also known as folded nail; a type of highly curved nail plate.
  • melanonychia : darkening of the fingernails or toenails; may be seen as a black band within the nail plate extending from the base to the free edge.
  • nail psoriasis : tiny pits or severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate.
  • blue fingernails : blue or purple nail bed, usually from poor circulation.