Specialty Medicine EMET Crossword Puzzle

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Specialty Medicine EMET Crossword Puzzle

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  • assess: _ the situation and patient prior to calling a medical emergency
  • three : the number to call for a medical emergency is 333 _
  • button: press the emergency _ in the room along with calling 3333
  • emet: what is the name of the emergency that is called to the operator for the acc or within sight of an entrance area?
  • aed : take this equipment with you as it may be needed and initiated if the patient needs a life saving measure
  • stroke : this emergency is indicated by slurred speech, balance issues, and/or facial drooping
  • befast : this entails a <5 minute assessment for a possible stroke patient that a nurse is to complete
  • npo : if suspecting a stroke, keep the patient _
  • sbar : provide this hand-off report to emergency response team
  • gurney : grab the _ and medical equipment and take to area
  • wheelchair : take this to the emergency to be transported in
  • vital signs : you may be asked to obtain these on the patient and report this to the medical emergency response team
  • way finder: the staff member that directs the emergency response team on where to go