Practical Ethics of Pain Care Crossword Puzzle

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Practical Ethics of Pain Care Crossword Puzzle

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  • eighty: the institute of medicine in the us reports that _ percent of patients who undergo surgery experience post operative pain.
  • acute: in the us, the prevalence of _ pain is the highest out of seven western countries.
  • mismanaged: _ pain during the perioperative period can result in immediate negative and long term consequences.
  • unique: pain is a distinctive, _ symptom because of its subjectivity and its moral meaning for the sufferer
  • complex: pain is a _ , holistic phenomenon.
  • defined: pain is _ differently by many groups and individuals
  • ethical: the _ responsibility that accompanies pain care can become overwhelming
  • effective: _ pain management is a moral imperative and professional responsibility.
  • deontology: _ is following moral rules for ethical outcomes
  • consequentialism: _ is if the outcome is good, the means to achieve the good is acceptable
  • virtue: _ ethics is defined as those who are good, moral people will make ethical decisions.
  • care: ethics of _ is providing good, relationship based care is ethical care
  • narrative: _ ethics is the right ethical decisions will be made based on the indviduals story
  • principlism: _ is defined as following the principles of ethics will achieve ethical outcomes
  • epistemic: _ humility is a term that means being responsive to the patients experience of pain
  • dialogue: it is important to maintain an ongoing _ and partnership with the patient.
  • autonomy: respect for _ is honoring the patients personal decisions regarding their pain care.
  • beneficence: _ is the obligation to "do good" for the patient.
  • nonmaleficence: _ is described as "do no harm"
  • equitably: justice is the consideration that all aspects of pain management be applied _ to all patients