Sickle Cell Crossword Puzzle

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Sickle Cell Crossword Puzzle

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  • birth : when is sickle cell (most often) diagnosed
  • mutation : a change that occurs in our dna sequence
  • splenic sequestration : when a large number of sickle cells get trapped in the spleen and cause it to suddenly get large
  • bone marrow : the modern "cure": _ _ transplant
  • african americans : race sickle cell affects the most
  • hemoglobin : protein that carries oxygen through the body
  • trait : an inherited characteristic
  • anemia : deficiency of hemoglobin
  • hand foot syndrome : painful swelling of the limbs with fever
  • sickle cell : hereditary blood disease
  • five months : when do babies start to show signs of sickle cell
  • shape : difference of sickle blood cells to normal
  • inherit : those with sickle cell _ it from parents
  • years : sickle cell life expectancy
  • africa : where the disorder originated (geographically)
  • carrier : when a child has one sickle cell trait