Human Body and Health Crossword Puzzle
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- feet : you stand on your ... and walk
- elbow : a joint between an arm and a forearm
- brain : organ inside your head helps you think
- hands : you can catch something with them
- lips : you use them to kiss
- spine : a tree has a trunk and a human has got ...
- thumb : the thickest finger
- calf : below your knee at the back of your leg
- ears : you would be deaf without them
- skull : it protects your brain from damage
- knees : they help to bend legs
- heart : pumps blood around your body
- nails : you can cut and paint them
- stomach : all you eat goes there
- wrist : you wear a watch around it
- hips : you swing them when you walk
- eyes : you would be blind without them
- ankle : you can twist it if you jump badly
- skin : the biggest organ covers the whole body
- eyebrows : you have them over your eyes
- liver : that organ removes toxins from blood
- lungs : organ in your chest help you breathe
- kidney : that organ helps to filter blood
- neck : it connects the head to the chest
- eyelashes : you put mascara on them