Rabies Virus Crossword Puzzle

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Rabies Virus Crossword Puzzle

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  • gprotien : which of the four virulence factors acts as a molecular switch inside of cells
  • raccoon : what is the most commonly reported rabid animal
  • five : how many stages does the rabies virus have
  • abite : what is the main way that the rabies virus is transmitted
  • vomiting : what is the main symptom of rabies
  • antibodies : what is in the post-exposure prophylaxis shot
  • single : is it single or double stranded
  • vaccinations : what is the best way to prevent the spread of rabies
  • fever : what is the main sign of rabies
  • enveloped : is it enveloped or naked
  • glyco protein : which of the four virulence factors functions in the structure and reproduction of cells
  • bullet shaped : what shape is the rabies virus
  • imovax : what is the most widely used vaccine
  • fracastoro : who discovered the rabies virus
  • mad dog disease : rabies is also known as what
  • prophylaxis : comes in two forms, pre and post exposure
  • prodromal : what stage is when the clinical symptoms show up
  • pasteur : who discovered the first vaccine