Nutrition Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: nutrition : the study of food and how it nourishes the body and the influence it has on our health, diet : normal intake of food on a daily basis, nutrient : the substance that one get from food eaten that nourishes the body, food : edible food which are normally in solid or liquid form that can be eaten cooked or raw. it also provides nutrients in the body, hypertension : this condition is normally referred to as high blood pressure, obesity : having excessive amounts of fat in the body, diabetes : the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin can result in, anthropometry : determining someones nutrition status by measuring of the height, weight and age, anorexia nervosa : a condition in which one refuses to eat because they are preoccupied with being slim, health : the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well, protein : the major nutrient that is found in food from the food from animal group, staples : what food group am i? good source of the nutrient carbohydrates e.g. yam, green banana, rice, pasta