Nail Parts and Diseases Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: furrows: are long ridges that run either lengthwise or across the nail, onychia : is a term applicable to chronic inflammation of the nail fold and nail, bed, brittle nails: a vertical splitting or separation of the nail plate layers at the distal (free) edge of the nail plate, onychogryphosis : extreme thickening curvature of the nails, usually it is caused by varying degree of hyperkeratosis, hangnails : these are marked by a condition in which the cuticle splits around the nail, leconychia: these are white spot that appears frequently in the nails. they may be caused by injury to the base, of the nail, pterygium: it is an overgrowth of cuticle which sticks to the surfaces of nail plate, onychomycosis: it is an infectious disease caused by a vegetable parasite, onychocryptosis: this refers to ingrown nails which affect the fingers and toenails, onychoptosis: it is the periodic shedding of one or more nails, either in whole or in part.