Patient Safety Awareness Week Crossword Puzzle

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Patient Safety Awareness Week Crossword Puzzle

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  • concern: "i have a _ " is a safety phrase to support speak up.
  • speak: smiling and making eye contact helps others to approach you to _ up.
  • just culture: leadership response that promotes learning and process improvement while also balancing personal accountability
  • pearl: online reporting system for patient safety
  • pass: fire extinguisher technique
  • everyone: who is responsible for patient safety?
  • hand washing: #1 way to prevent an infection
  • near miss: an event that is corrected before causing harm
  • two: use at least _ patient identifiers before providing care or services.
  • mask: if you have cold symptoms you should wear this
  • stop: star is the safety behavior that commits to being focused and stands for _ , think, act, review
  • errors: medication _ are the leading cause of harm in healthcare
  • race: the 4 essential steps to take if you discover a fire