EMU Safety Crossword Puzzle

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EMU Safety Crossword Puzzle

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  • safety: the number one priority when managing emu patients’ seizures.
  • falls: the number one safety risk for emu patients.
  • mastervest: use of the _ was instituted to prevent falls and injuries (to both staff and patients).
  • tension: the mastervest braided straps need to have a little _ on them.
  • wheelchair: when an emu patient is discharging, the mastervest should be used until the patient is in the _ .
  • key: per joint commission standard, the _ must be kept within the reach of the patient (on the wall by head of bed).
  • belt: the emu patient should always have a _ in place when they are in bed.
  • side rails: the emu patient needs to be all the way in the bed with the _ _ up to put on or take off the mastervest.
  • questions: when an emu patient is in the bathroom, always keep the door cracked and check on the patient, asking multiple open ended _ .
  • staff member: a _ _ should always be holding on to the lift control, not the patient.