Environment of Care Crossword Puzzle

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Environment of Care Crossword Puzzle

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  • squeeze: p=pull, a=aim, s= _ , s=sweep
  • rescue: r= _ , a=alarm, c=confine, e=extinguish
  • egress: the act of going out or leaving a place.
  • ergonomic: use of proper _ technique to avoid strains.
  • repetative: injury due to performing the same task for a prolonged time. _ injury.
  • dedicated: use _ equipment for pts with mrsa or vre.
  • hygiene: perform hand _ for at least 20 seconds.
  • disinfect: _ equipment before using on another patient.
  • temperature: keep an accurate _ log for food & medicine.
  • bleach: the type of disinfectant used for pts with c-diff.
  • drink: food or _ is not allowed in any patient care area.
  • elopement: code green is pt _ .