Maintain a Healthy Heart Crossword Puzzle

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Maintain a Healthy Heart Crossword Puzzle

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  • potassium : a high _ can slow down your heart
  • salt : this causes fluid retention
  • phosphorus : it is best to keep this between 3-5.5 to avoid hardening of arteries
  • fluid : drinking to much _ can raise blood pressures
  • processed : _ foods can be high in salt and added phosphorus
  • breathe : a high fluid and salt intake can make it difficult for you to _
  • fast foods : _ _ are high in sodium
  • binders : taking these meds with food help keep phosphorus under control
  • labels : read this on packaged food for sodium, potassium, and added phosphorus
  • quart : limit fluid to about a _ per day
  • cramping : consuming too much fluid and salt between dialysis can cause _ during treatment