Blood borne Pathogens Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: susceptible: willing host is also said to be this, reservoir: a place for germs to grow, sharps: broken glass and used needles should be disposed in a _ container, germ: another name for pathogen, handwashing: most important procedure to stop the spread of infection, liver: hepatitis causes disease of this organ, mucus: you can be exposed to blood borne pathogens through _ membranes, bio hazard: contaminated materials label, ppe: gloves, gowns and masks are examples of, vaccine: receiving this can help prevent hepatitis b infection, vaccination: getting a _ is not always 100% effective, all: infection control is for, fluids: you should never clean up body _ that are not your own, hepatitis b: these diseases can be transmitted via blood borne pathogens, transmission: way to travel