Heat Illness Awareness Crossword Puzzle

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Heat Illness Awareness Crossword Puzzle

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  • conditions: heat illness can occur when engaged in strenuous activity during hot weather _ .
  • buddy: one requirement during high heat conditions at 95deg and greater require you to work with a _ ?
  • cool: wearing light-colored, loose- fitting clothing allows your skin to breath and _ off efficiently.
  • stroke: no longer sweating, hot/dry skin and high body temp are warnings of heat _ ?
  • exhaustion: early signs of weakness, dizziness, nausea or mild cramps can be indication of heat _ ?
  • report: immediately _ any symptoms of heat illness to your supervisor
  • thirsty: especially in hot weather, drink plenty of water even if you don't feel _ ?
  • caffeine: during hot weather avoid drinking water with _ ?
  • rash: heat _ is a skin inflammation caused by excessive sweating?
  • shade: when encountering symptoms symptoms of heat illness you should seek _ to cool down.
  • speak: if you spot someone whom may be experiencing signs of heat illness, you should _ up?
  • cramps: spasms, usually in leg and arm muscles are symptoms of heat _ .