Public Health and Epidemiology Crossword Puzzle
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- indirect : transmission of infectious agents via an intermediate
- helminth : a multicellular parasitic worm, with a flattened body.
- urbanization : the modern process that has led to an increase in population density, making the spread of disease easier.
- virus : an infectious agent with a nucleic acid (rna or dna) in a protein coat, that can only multiply within a host's living cells.
- reservoir : the place(s) where a disease agent lives/ multiplies, which is essential for its survival.
- eid : the acronym used to describe a disease that has newly appeared in a population, or is quickly increasing in incidence.
- zoonosis : the spread of disease from an animal to a person
- transplacental : type of transmission of a disease from the pregnant woman to the foetus
- surveillance : the ongoing systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of outcome- specific data, used in public health policies
- communicable : the type of disease that is transmissible from person to person, directly or indirectly.
- protozoa : non- phototropic, unicellular, eukaryotic microorganisms with no cell wall