Stress & Coping Crossword Puzzle

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  • compulsion : a repetitive behavior
  • projection : blaming others or the environment for mistakes
  • anxiety : apprehension, dread, uneasiness
  • neuro transmitter : nor epinephrine and serotonin, for example
  • flashbacks : recurrence of images from a trauma
  • phobia : an irrational fear
  • fear : a sense of apprehension
  • obsession : a recurrent, unwanted thought
  • emdr : a psychotherapy that utilizes eye movement
  • compensation : emphasizing a desirable trait to hide a weakness
  • anger : displeasure or animosity
  • repression : keeping unpleasant thoughts from entering consciousness
  • antagonist : works by blocking the neurotransmitter binding site
  • buspirone : dopamine agonist and serotonin inhibitor
  • eustress : good stress
  • cbt : cognitive techniques and behavior modification
  • scaling : assessment using a rating scale
  • ssri : sertraline, for instance