Dietry Fiber Crossword Puzzle

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Dietry Fiber Crossword Puzzle

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  • bloodstream : soluble fiber also slows digestion and the rate at which carbohydrates and other nutrients are absorbed into the _ .
  • soluble : _ fiber dissolves in water to form a thick gel-like substance in the stomach
  • low : dietary ber is considered a “nutrient of public health concern” because _ intakes are associated with potential health risks
  • enriched : _ grains have the key nutrients that were lost during processing restored.
  • ingredients : _ are listed in descending order by weight — the closer they are to the beginning of the list, the more of that ingredient is in the food.
  • whole : the guidelines also recommend consuming at least half of total grains as _ grains and limiting the intake of refined grains and products made with re ned grains
  • constipation : provides “bulk” for stool formation and speeds up the movement of food and waste through the digestive system, which can help prevent _ .
  • digested : dietary ber is bound together in such a way that it cannot be readily _ in the small intestine.
  • percent : the nutrition facts label on food and beverage packages shows the amount in grams (g) and the _ t daily value (%dv) of dietary fiber in one serving of the food.
  • carbohydrate : it is a type of _ found in plant foods
  • remove : refined grains have been processed (also called milled) to _ the bran and germ from the grain.
  • cholesterol : soluble fiber can interfere with the absorption of dietary fat and _ .
  • nutrient dense : nutrient-dense foods and beverages contain vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other beneficial substances that may have positive health effects.
  • insoluble : _ fiber does not dissolve in water and passes through the gastrointestinal tract relatively intact and, therefore, is not a source of calories.
  • full : both soluble and insoluble fiber make you feel _ , which may help you eat less and stay satis ed longer.