Health and First Aid Crossword Puzzle
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- swell : it's a process when injuries tends to become larger and rounder
- hypochondriac : people who always are over worried with their health and afraid of they have a serious illness
- ache : another word to say 'pain'.
- cpr : a couple of actions are used for reanimation
- temperature : a measure of how warm is your body
- emergency : an accident that requires fast actions to save lives
- cough : push air through the throat with a loud sound
- aid : people should do this till an ambulance is coming but only when they know how to do that
- cyberchondriac : people who always google their symptoms in order to find an illness
- sprain : make a hurt to joints connecting bones
- sneeze : push air through the throat caused by uncomfortable feelings in the nose
- pressure : kind of force makes your blood flowing through your body
- bandage : it should be made in order to stop bleeding
- unconscious : a state when a person can't control himself and doesn't feel anything. usually he falls down
- tumor : a group of hurt cells that produce new ones uncontrollable and could start an illness