Mental Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Mental Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • paranoia : feelings of distrust and suspicion without a good reason
  • hallucination : seeing, hearing, feeling, or smelling something that does not exist
  • isolation : having no relationships or contact with others and little to no social support
  • rumination : repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress about causes and consequences
  • receptive : language refers to the ability to understand language heard or read
  • prognosis : prediction of the course, duration, severity, and outcome of mental health condition
  • echolalia : repeating or echoing words or sounds heard
  • pressured : speech is a compulsive urge to talk in a rapid, urgent way
  • adaptive : functioning refers to how an individual learns and uses conceptual, social, and practical skills in dealing with common life demands
  • grandiosity : unrealistic sense of superiority
  • decompensation : worsening of symptoms, sometimes caused by lack of medication
  • mania : abnormally elevated, extreme changes in mood or emotions, energy level, or activity level
  • executive : functioning refers to the cognitive and mental abilities that help people engage in goal-directed action
  • affect : observed emotional state
  • social : cognition refers to recognition of emotions
  • distractibility : inability to maintain attention
  • impulsive : tendency to act without thinking
  • malinger : falsify or exaggerate a physical or mental condition for personal gain
  • expressive : language refers naming objects, word findings, fluency, grammar, and syntax
  • hypervigilance : increased alertness with constant assessing for potential threats around