Breastfeeding Crossword Puzzle

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Breastfeeding Crossword Puzzle

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  • fore milk : watery first milk that quenches thirst
  • non nutritive : type of suck with fluttery or choppy jaw motion resulting in little or no milk flow
  • everted : type of nipple raised in the center of the areola
  • hind milk : milk towards the end of the feeding that is higher in fat & helps the infant to gain weight
  • inverted : nipples that fold into the areola with a dimpled appearance
  • mastitis : infection of the breast tissue
  • feeding cues : licking/sucking, lip smacking, rooting, hand to mouth movements, sucking on hands, crying
  • nutritive : type of active, engaged sucking by infant with continuous movements & occasional pauses to rest
  • engorgement : edema, congestion, increased vascularity of the breast from obstruction of lymphatic drainage & accumulation of milk as lactation is established
  • flat : nipples that do not evert upon compression & blend into the areola