Scalp Disorders Crossword Puzzle

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Scalp Disorders Crossword Puzzle

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  • tinea capitis : fungal infection characterized by red papules, or spots at the opening of the hair follicle
  • tinea favosa : also known as tinea favus: fungal infection characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow, cuplike crust on the scalp.
  • carbuncle : inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci
  • pityriasis steatoide : severe dandruff characterized by greasy or waxy scales mixed with sebum that sticks to the scalp
  • scutula : dry, cuplike crust on the scalp in tinea favosa
  • tinea : technical term for ringworm
  • pediculosis capitis : infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice
  • furuncle : boil: acute, localized bacterial infection of the hair follicle that produces constant pain
  • tinea barbae : a superficial fungal infection caused by a variety of dermatophytes that commonly affects the skin
  • pityriasis : technical term for dandruff
  • malassezia : when dandruff grows out of control