Wound Identification and Prevention Crossword Puzzle

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Wound Identification and Prevention Crossword Puzzle

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  • consult: wound _ may be obtained for stage 3 or 4 pressure injuries, unstageable pressure injury, deep tissue pressure injury and/or multiple pressure injuries (any stage).
  • braden: a scale used to assess pressure injury risk.
  • wound photography: is used in conjunction with traditional wound assessment and documentation to help monitor, communicate, and record wound healing progression, complications, or failure to heal to better manage wounds.
  • midas: a _ should be filed for hospital acquired pressure injuries/skin issues.
  • measurements: _ need to be taken and documented (lxwxd, undermining, and tunneling, including descriptions, wound bed, exudate, and surrounding skin) in centimeters.
  • picture: a _ should be taken upon discovery of wound/pressure injury
  • prevention: a braden score 18 or less an rn must implement pressure injury _ ipoc.
  • surface: ensure an appropriate _ like waffle overlay, turning system (i.e. atr), or specialty bed is chosen for patients with a braden score less than 18.
  • parallel: position the camera _ to the plane of the wound or as directed by your facility.
  • elevate: _ heels and keep hob <30 degrees.
  • educate: _ patient and family on pressure injury prevention.
  • second: a braden score <14 requires a _ rn.
  • turned: patient should be up, mobilized, and/or _ q2h & prn per patient condition.
  • applied: a prevention dressing is _ for braden scale less than 18, critical care, iccu admission and medical device/lines.
  • skin: assess _ head – to – toe and under medical devices/lines at admit, q shift and upon transfer.