Epidemiology and Infection Spread Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: endemic: associated with an infectious disease that occurs frequently in a specific geographical locale, vertical: when illness or disease is passed from mother to child 'in utero', endogenous: source of illness found or coming from within the body, pathogen: organism capable of causing disease, disease: illness due to cell damage, associated with signs and symptoms, epidemic: associated with an infectious disease when large numbers occur suddenly at the same time, opportunistic: taking 'advantage' of a situation to cause disease, exogenous: source of illness found or coming from outside the body, mortality: the rate of deaths in a given area or time period, often from a particular cause, prevalence: the proportion (or percentage) of a population having an infectious disease, arthropods: invertebrates that can be used in specific microbe dispersal (parasites), morbidity: the rate of a disease in a population, direct contact: when agent causing illness is passed to another via personal interaction (6,7), zoonosis: an infection associated with an animal reservoir, vehicle: inanimate object or material involved in indirect microbe dispersal, fomite: often household items involved in indirect microbe dispersal, infection: process happening after microbes not normally present in/on the body invade, ukhsa: abbreviation for agency that collates data on illness in england and wales, nosocomial: an infection acquired in hospital, carrier: a symptomless individual capable of carrying/shedding microbes, transmission: the manner in which infectious microbes acquire a new host, incidence: the number of new cases of an infectious disease in a susceptible population at that time point