Urinary Elimination and Care Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: dysuria : painful or difficult urination, dialysis : the process of using a machine to filter waste products and salts, and to remove excess fluid from the blood, oliguria : urinary output of less than 30 ml/hr, anuria : absence of urine or minimal urine production, incontinence : inability to control the passing of urine, uric acid : results from the breakdown of rna and dna, urinary retention : inability to empty the bladder, hematuria : when blood is present in the urine, urometer : small plastic measuring device attached to the urine drainage bag that accurately measures very small amounts of urine, cystitis : an infection in the urinary bladder, creatinine : waste product of muscle metabolism, uti : caused by the presence of pathogens within the urinary tract, pyelonephritis : infection in the kidney, kegel : exercises that will strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles, urinary catheter : a tube that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder, polyuria : urinary output greater than 3,000 ml/day, void : another word for urinate, urea : results from amino acid metabolism