Behavior and Mental Status Crossword Puzzle

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  • attention : the ability to focus or concentrate over time on a particular stimulus or activity
  • affect : a fluctuating pattern of observable behaviors that expresses subjective feelings through tone of voice, facial expression, and demeanor.
  • lethargic : drowsy, but open their eyes and look at you, respond to questions, and then fall asleep.
  • fluency : reflects the rate, flow, and melody of speech and the content and use of words.
  • echolalia : repetition of the words and phrases of others.
  • confabulation : fabrication of facts or events in response to questions, to fill in the gaps from impaired memory.
  • phobias : persistent irrational fears, accompanied by a compelling desire to avoid the provoking stimulus
  • anxieties : apprehensive anticipation of future danger or misfortune accompanied by feelings of worry, distress, and/or somatic symptoms of tension
  • delusions : false fixed personal beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence
  • illusions : misinterpretations of real external stimuli, such as mistaking rustling leaves for the sound of voices
  • neologisms : invented or distorted words, or words with new and highly idiosyncratic meanings.
  • clanging : speech with choice of words based on sound, rather than meaning, as in rhyming and punning.
  • obtunded : patients open their eyes and look at you, but respond slowly and are somewhat confused.
  • suicide : ranks as the 10th leading cause of death in the united states
  • dextera : your batch name