Promoting Health and Wellness Crossword Puzzle

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Promoting Health and Wellness Crossword Puzzle

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  • anxiety : a vague, uneasy feeling that is not centered on a specific source
  • isolation : emotion that is separated from the original feeling
  • stress : nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it
  • adaptation : the ability to positively adjust to changes that occur in an individual's world
  • acute illness : strikes suddenly and lasts for a limited time
  • chronic illness : illness that last for 6 months or longer
  • projection : blaming others
  • avoidance : unconsciously staying away from events or situations that might open feelings of aggression or anxiety
  • health literacy : the ability of individuals to understand basic health information and use that information to make good decisions about their health
  • compensation : making up for something we perceive as an inadequacy by developing some other desirable trait
  • regression : emotionally returning to an earlier time in life when there was far less stress
  • denial : unconscious refusal to see reality
  • fear : an identified danger or threat with a real or imagined source, and it is cognitive in nature.