Types of Drugs Crossword Puzzle

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Types of Drugs Crossword Puzzle

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  • nsaids : reduce pain, inflammation, and fever
  • acetaminophen : reduces pain and fever
  • caffeine : used as an additive to act as a stimulant and to improve the effect of some pain medicines
  • antihistamines : these can help control nausea and help people sleep. help control itching.
  • antidepressants : used to treat tingling or burning pain from damaged nerves. nerve injury (and nerve pain) can be caused by surgery, radiation, chemo, or the cancer itself.
  • stimulants : increase the pain-relieving action of opioids and reduce the drowsiness they cause.anticonvulsants : help to control tingling or burning from nerve pain caused by the cancer or cancer treatment.
  • steroids : help relieve bone pain, pain caused by spinal cord and brain tumors, and pain caused by inflammation.
  • amphetamines : increase the pain-relieving action of opioids and reduce the drowsiness they cause.
  • anti anxiety : used to treat muscle spasms that may go along with severe pain. also, lessen anxiety.
  • buffers : used as an additive such as magnesium carbonate or aluminum hydroxide. are used to decrease stomach upset