Rehabilitation Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: rehabilitation : care managed to help restore a client to highest level of functioning, physical therapist : a person who teaches clients exercises to help strengthen muscles and heart, occupational therapy : helps clients learn or adapt ways to perform adl's, rangeofmotion : exercises to help prevent atrophy of muscles, abduction : moving a body part away from the center of the body, adduction : moving a body part toward the center of the body, extension : straightening a body part, flexion : bending a body part, rotation : turning a body part, alignment : keeping the body in a natural position, cast : a mold to allow the broken bone to heal properly, fracture : a break in a bone, osteoporosis : weakening of bones that occurs most often in women as they age, surgery : surgical intervention, walker : a device to assist in walking which has 4 corners, gait belt : a device which is placed around the waist of a client and be held by caregiver while they are transferring or walking, incentives priometer : a device that helps clients keep their lungs expanded