Infection Control Basics Crossword Puzzle

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  • cap : after this is removed on iv tubing, an alcohol prep must be used to cleanse the accessible port on the tubing (answer is also a name of a clothing accessory)
  • droplet : type of isolation for the flu
  • keyboard : an office tool (also a musical instrument) that is said to contain more germs than a toilet seat.
  • gloves : ppe used in standard precautions
  • sharps : "home" for used needles
  • gown : the 1st ppe applied during airborne isolation.
  • handwashing : most important barrier in prevention of infections
  • purple : (tub color) _ top wipes are used to sanitize the glucometer before and after each use
  • gerd : studies show that people treated for this diagnosis are at an increased risk for developing c-diff
  • mdro : acronym for an organism that limits treatment options
  • reverse : a type of isolation that will have disposable meal trays
  • goose neck : type of tie to be used on bags that contain infectious watse
  • foam : an approved infection prevention practice (also the product) used upon entering and exiting a patient's room
  • dietary : this department must be notified if a patient is on suicide watch or reverse isolation
  • doffing : proper term for removing ppes.
  • goggles : ppe utilized during procedures where blood spatter is expected.
  • hat : name of a clothing accessory not to be used in obtaining urine samples