Healthy Eating Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • vegetables : these are great snacks and also make delicious salads
  • apple : granny smith or mcintosh
  • water : it is recommended you consume 8 glasses of this a day
  • protein : found in meat, fish, eggs and legumes
  • potatoes : yukon gold and russet
  • steps : new research shows getting 4000 of these a day is enough to provide health benefits
  • granola bars : _ _ (2 words) are great sometimes snacks (and there is one in your gift bag!)
  • fruits : canada's food guide says your meals should be half _ and vegetables
  • fibre : what whole grain foods are rich in
  • fad : a type of diet that can be harmful
  • mindful : slowing down your eating includes being this
  • plan ahead : it’s easier to make healthy choices when you do this
  • full : eating quickly can prevent you from knowing when you are this
  • saturated : type of fat in foods which should be limited
  • processed meats : bacon and sausages are considered this and should be limited
  • hunger : what healthy snacks can help control
  • wash : before eating fruits and vegetables you should _ them
  • pears : anjou and bartlett
  • heart disease : whole grain foods can help your risk for this
  • sugar : reducing your consumption of this can reduce your risk of diabetes