Glucose Regulation Crossword Puzzle

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  • glycogenolysis : breakdown glycogen for body and brain use now
  • polydipsia : increased thirst
  • polyuria : too much urine output
  • metabolic syndrome : group of metabolic risk factors that occur together, increasing the risk for cad, stroke, t2dm
  • onset : the time the insulin begin to lower the blood glucose
  • counter regulatory : hormones that trigger the use of glycogen
  • lipodystrophy : rotating injection sites will prevent this abnormal redistribution of fat
  • novolinr : short acting insulin
  • exercise : doing this can lower the blood glucose level
  • kussmauls : deep rapid breaths to expel co2
  • glucagon : hormone from alpha cells in pancreas that raise blood glucose level +
  • gluconeogenesis : change of fats and protein into glucose
  • novologn : intermediate acting insulin
  • insulinresistance : inability to use insulin effectively
  • novolog : rapid acting insulin
  • hypoglycemia : < 70, effects brain < 50 mg/dl
  • hyperglycemia : post-prandial >140, fasting >100
  • peak : time the insulin lowers the blood glucose level most
  • preprandial : before meals
  • glargine : long acting insulin, lantus
  • polyphagia : excessive hunger,
  • duration : the amount of time the insulin continues to lower the blood glucose
  • glycogen : stored glucose for later use