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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
antibody that binds to allergens and activates mast cells, a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention, exaggerated …
blister containing serous fluid, larger than 1 centimetre, deep inflammatory condition, staph or strep infection, the most common superficial fungal …
pink color of cells that correlates to hemoglobin production, another term for aerobic glycolysis that is used in nucleated cells for energy, state of …
a disease causing microorganism, used to combat antigens by attaching to them, foreign molecules that trigger your immune system, what are antigens …
to file zones to smooth uneven areas or hard edges, another nail shape, finished nails can be polished or?, what is the bit called that sanding bits …
have a strong desire for something, the condition of having lost one's sense of direction, uncertainty about what is happening, light in colour or …
what do we generally call urine?, the waste contains _ products which will circulate in our blood, our bodies keep producing a lot of hazardous and _ …
management system that ensures food safety, a substance that causes an allergic reaction, the practice or principles of keeping yourself clean, a …
require up to 16 hours of sleep per day, occurs when circadian rhythms do not match with the external clock time, this does not influence our …
the blurred margin of an image, father of radiology, how many sets of paired physical gradients are present in an mr scanner, coating on x-ray film, …
natural delivery, skin, doctor, pain prevention, imaging, cancer, operation, teeth, children, mental, brain, foot, food and environment, body …
microbial causes may be e.coli, # of persons afflicted with an illness, occasional cases are reported at irregular intervals at random locales, the …
temperature of the water in which dentures must be stored so that they do not dry out, a substance that accumulates on the teeth from food and …
route for pill consumption ( _ delivery), injection into the bloodstream for rapid action, injection just beneath the skin’s surface into fatty …
administrative, environmental, and respiratory-protection _ , tb requires what type of isolation?, annual check for use of particulate filter device …
proteins are made up of these smaller units, important for nervous system function, cooking method that does not require adding extra fat, promotes …
breath awareness to facilitate inner stillness, commonly said at the end of yoga class by the instructor and the students, considered to be the first …
slide unintentionally for a short distance, typically losing one's balance or footing, catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall, move …
fainting, widening of tubular structure such as a coronary artery, the volume of blood ejected with each ventricular contraction, when the heart fails …
first line effort to decrease spread of infection, this hair removal process will be completed outside the or suite, this tray is to be used and …
the lack of adequate blood supply to the heart is..., which node generates impulses in order to start a heartbeat?, the endothelium that lines the …
in the _ . both mechanical and chemical digestion take place, _ is chewed food mixed with saliva, the small flap of cartilage that closes over the …
a substance that induces insensitivity to pain, a thin, translucent fabric with a loose open weave, the action of breathing in, holds anesthetic gases …
better source of fiber and nutrients than white, can be grated right on salads, 7 grams of fiber versus fresh grapes with 1 gram of fiber, amount (%) …
this type of embolectomy removes blood clots inside the brain, uses a catheter inserted through femoral artery and maneuver a device up to the brain, …
the power or process of reproducing or _ what has been learned and retained, the capacity to concentrate on specific information and determine what …
anti-anxiety medication can _ you, body temperature _ cyclically over a 24-hour period, the _ of this drug pales in comparison to other stimulants, …
what should employers put in place to prevent illness or injuries?, if you develop an illness or severe pain from work what is affected your health or …
liquid food in the stomach, covers the windpipe when eating to avoid choking, the type of acid present in the stomach, made in liver and stored in …
also known as ascorbic acid, promotes dna synthesis and cell division, stored in our adipose (fat) tissues, typically grouped with the b-vitamins …