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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
hormone typically elevated in primary hypothyroidism, condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, hormone replacement therapy used in …
bacterial infection of hair follicles, a type of antibacterial that inhibits bacterial dna gyrase enzymes, a phenomenon that occurs when bacteria …
an employee has a legal duty to _ with an employer regarding whs matters, one of the responsibilities of an _ is to protect their own health & …
there are approximately 70 million pet _ in the us, the simple act of petting a dog or cat has been shown to lower, a required vaccination for pets in …
medicines used to kill bacteria and treat infections, microorganisms that can cause infections and illnesses, the first antibiotic discovered by …
bacterial inflammation disorder of the meninges that cover the brain and spinal cord, inflammatory disorder of the middle ear, consists of four …
pushes food down the throat, the tube that carries food down the throat, the tube that carries food into the stomach, where food is begun to be …
an abnormal group of cells, a state of physical and emotional well being, a pathogen that lives inside cells and bursts out, a pathogen that produces …
these are minor irritations or annoyances that occur frequently in everyday life, such as traffic, noise, deadlines, or household chores, these are …
tennis elbow is a type of this, carry clostridium tetani, fatigue, pain, weakness, used to help prevent tetanus, stretching or tearing of a ligament, …
feelings of distrust and suspicion without a good reason, seeing, hearing, feeling, or smelling something that does not exist, having no relationships …
use less of this in your diet, stop this bad habit, helps the heart work less hard, decrease this to help control hypertension, eat more of these …
give one symptoms for tuberculosis, it is a secondary stage in syphilis, swelling of this area is a sign and symptom of gonorrhea in men, skin …
a potential gateway for non-smokers, especially youth, to start using nicotine, the addictive substance found in cigarettes, a legal substance often …
conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal, the surroundings or conditions in …
weakened solution of virus that produces an immune response, weakening of virus for vaccines, "coating" around virus, individual virus …
a long-distance running race, usually 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) long. example: he trained hard for months to run his first marathon, the ability …
organs that filter waste from the blood, condition characterized by excess body fat, a special paper on food packaging that is used to check the …
defibrillation device (abbreviation), low blood volume, rash, rapid and irregular heartbeat, excessive tiredness, order of cpr (abbreviation), …
fungal infection of the natural nail, also known spoon nails; inverted or concaved nails, common bacteria that can lead to a bacterial infection that …
increased pressure causing damage to the retina and optic nerve, surgical repair of the cornea, nearsightedness, inflamed swelling on the eyelid …
the institute of medicine in the us reports that _ percent of patients who undergo surgery experience post operative pain, in the us, the prevalence …
a controllable variable in reducing ones risk for prostate cancer, these exercises can help men gain better control over their pelvic floor muscles, a …
the process of when the arteries narrow, what medicine is used to treats angina?, measures electric activity of heart, supply blood to the heart, …
- scraped skin: may vary from a narrow scratch to a wide graze; bleeding is slight, - bruises usually caused by a hard impact; underlying tissue is …
thickening of large arteries caused by calcium deposits, vertigo, coronary artery disease, sound heard at 5th intercostal space, drop in bp when …
have a strong desire for something, the condition of having lost one's sense of direction, uncertainty about what is happening, light in colour or …
you use this to taste, you use this to smell, how many senses do you have?, what do your ears do?, garbage smells _ , a police car makes a _ sound, …
the plague bacterium, another smelly symptom, a symptom often featuring blood, the form of the plague, the likely country of origin, where plague …
fungal infection characterized by red papules, or spots at the opening of the hair follicle, also known as tinea favus: fungal infection characterized …