Infection Control Terminology Crossword Puzzle
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- disinfection : the process used to kill or prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, can be up to 99% effective when performed correctly.
- carrier : a person or animal which harbours an agent and serves as a potential source of infection yet may show no clinical disease.
- aerosols : droplets coughed or sneezed.
- asepsis : freedom from pathogens
- fomite : an inanimate object that may be contaminated with microorganisms and transmit infection to a new host.
- reservior : an animal that carries a potentially infective organisms and is a potential source of infection for other animals or people.
- detergent : a chemical substance, sometimes in the form of a powder but most commonly a liquid, for removing dirt from surfaces or clothing.
- isolation : the physical segregation of an animal or group of animals suspected of having or proven to have a contagious disease.
- microorganism : any organism (usually bacteria or viruses) that cannot be seen with the naked eye; also called microbe.
- quarantine : the separation of animals of an unknown health status, that have been, or suspected to have been, in contact with known infected animals.
- commensal : a term to describe the type of bacteria that do no harm but also produce no benefit.
- standard precautions : the first line of approach to infection prevention and control; they must be practiced for the care and treatment of all animals.
- mycosis : infection caused by a fungus.
- contagious : a disease which is very easy to spread.
- antiseptic : chemical disinfectant for use on skin or mucous membranes.
- sterilisation : the destruction and eradication of all micro-organisms, including bacterial spores.
- cleaning : using detergent and a physical action to remove dirt, debris and some pathogens from a surface.
- vector : intermediate host (e.g. arthropod) that transmits the causative agent of disease from infected to non-infected hosts.
- pathogen : any organism with the potential to cause disease.