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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
painful contractions in the stomach area, temporary loss of consciousness, high body temperature, often due to illness, difficulty or infrequent bowel …
natural delivery, skin, doctor, pain prevention, imaging, cancer, operation, teeth, children, mental, brain, foot, food and environment, body …
when my levels in the blood are too high it is called leukocytosis and when they are too low it is called leukopenia, a condition where the levels of …
greek for lack of blood, illness caused by eating gluten, damages your small intestines lining and prevents it from absorbing nutrients, typically …
the condition tinea capitis is also known as, an infestation that is caused by mites burrowing under the skin, a condition that will cause hair loss, …
adj. simple; clear to understand. the instructions to install the new software were very -----------, n. a feeling of great tiredness. common symptoms …
an intracerebral hemorrhage (ich) is usually caused by rupture of tiny arteries within the brain tissue (2 words no spaces), brain stroke happens when …
ergot alkaloids are contraindicated within _ hours of triptans, limit use of medications to < _ days/month to limit medication overuse, naratriptan …
n-terminal peptide of pth, extracellular calcium-phosphate crystals, pth, condition with decreased ca/po4, increased alp, anticoagulant incompatible …
_ is the use of intravenous agents for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia, the most frequently used tiva agent, nitrous oxide, isoflurane, …
serum, fibrin, and wbc that pass out of blood vessels and into an area of inflammation, increased blood flow to an area, this type of inflammation …
is the fast and explosive release of air from the lungs, is a disease caused by parasitic protozoan, is a very contagious infection of the lungs, is …
correct placement of body parts in relation to each other, a steady or held position achieved by an even distribution of weight, the ability to start …
a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind, worldwide disease outbreak that spreads across countries and continents, sickness, …
3-7 carbon sugar, describes dihydroxyacetone, important metabolic intermediates, bond that occurs due to condensation and hydrolysis, has 2 …
reduce pain, inflammation, and fever, reduces pain and fever, used as an additive to act as a stimulant and to improve the effect of some pain …
also known as ascorbic acid, promotes dna synthesis and cell division, stored in our adipose (fat) tissues, typically grouped with the b-vitamins …
the medical term for the oxygen-carrying cells that give blood its color, this would be elevated in uncontrolled diabetes, a four-letter abbreviation …
chronic relapsing disorder, when the drug is unavailable one may experience this, area of the brain responsible for executive functions, main hormone …
a burning, itching, tingling, or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, a medical term for excessive tiredness or …
proteins are made up of these smaller units, important for nervous system function, cooking method that does not require adding extra fat, promotes …
professional in charge who dispenses medicine, government insurance program for older americans, doctor's instructions for dispensing medication, …
a repetitive behavior, blaming others or the environment for mistakes, apprehension, dread, uneasiness, nor epinephrine and serotonin, for example, …
_ symptoms of anxiety; shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating…, _ anxiety, the natural and healthy type of anxiety that is part of all of us, …
response in anticipation of perceived or actual threat to oneself or significant relationships, sudden attacks of terror, sometimes with a pounding …
if you get a dry mouth from taking your antidepressant you can try sucking on sugarless _ , antidepressants are most commonly used to treat _ , if …
no tricks. this drug suppresses cravings of alcohol. also treats opioid addiction by blocking opioid receptors. risk for suicide, first line of …
long term or recurrent, the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, mental and emotional wellness, condition that impairs normal …
caused by not having enough iron in one's diet, best solution for constipation, you need to make a special effort to increase this if you have …
a physical or mental feature implying a condition or disease, to be diagnosed with a panic disorder who do you have see?, a sudden episode of intense …