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Astronomy Crossword Puzzles
Free printable astronomy crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
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spiral galaxies are usually the _ , the force holding a galaxy together, a spiral galaxy contains both _ and old stars, this galaxy has very little …
the unit of temperature in usa, a dangerous stream of charged particles released from the sun, the si unit for this quantity is the pascal (pa), one …
scientists use this to study venus because of its clouds, it takes venus 243 earth days to do this, it takes venus 225 earth days to do this, venus …
a set that includes a star and all of the matter that orbits it, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects, rocks floating around …
natural satellite; ours is called luna, extended shell of icy objects that exists in the outermost region of the solar system, 8 in our solar system, …
known as the red planet, the inner planets are also known as _ planets, the second largest planet in the solar system, envelope of gases surrounding …
_ disk - diffuse material orbiting around a central body such as a protostar, a young star, a neutron star or a black hole. , a measure of the amount …
the innermost planet, mercury is the smallest planet, mercury doesn't have any, how many earth days is one year on mercury, mercury has no-, mercury …
event that serves as the foundation for the theory of our universe's origin (7), they appear to be moving away from each other, supporting the big …
space traveller, a massive system of stars and planets, instrument to view distant celestial objects, the red planet, artificial object orbiting a …
things in motion tend to stay in motion, it takes the earth a full year to do complete this motion, a shooting star headed towards the earth, …
fear of the number 13, where is mission control located?, of or pertaining to the sun, of or pertaining to the earth, the flight director in houston, …
the rate or number of crests of a wave that move past a given point in a given unit of time, all of time and space and its contents. includes, …
the moon block the light from the sun reaching the earth (order s.m.e.), the earth block the light from the sun reaching the moon (order s.e.m.), the …
the path an object takes as it moves around another object in space.crater : a bowl-shaped depression formed by the impact of a meteorite, the glowing …
has a mass of only between 1.35 and about 2.1 times that of our sun, it is 60,000 times smaller than the sun, "failed stars", which form …
a star located at the end of the handle of the little dipper, in the constellation ursa minor, northern hemisphere is tilted toward sun, one of the …
only star in the solar system, large mass of very hot gas, number of lunar months, minor bodies of ice, dust and rock, planet can be seen from earth, …
the cloud of dust and gas that the solar system came from, the space a object takes up, the closest star to the solar system besides the sun, the …
the 3rd planet in the solar system, when the earth is at its furthest point from the sun in orbit, the force that pulls everything to the ground, a …
mercury is 36 million miles from the _ , the _ of mercury is 3.3 x 10 to the power of 24, what planet has the diameter of 12,756 km, what planet has …
this large planet is surrounded by rings of rocks and debris, the closest star, this planet is named after the roman god of the sea, named after the …
the moment when a rocket begins its ascent from the launch pad, the process of collecting and transmitting data from a spacecraft to earth, the …
point in the path of the sun when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator, small body of matter in the solar system seen when it falls into …
another word for moon orbiting a planet, the spinning of a planet on its axis, axis tilted on its side, the largest planet, planets made mostly of …
greek for light, constellation that means bull, visible layer of sun during an eclipse, the dog star, constellation that means hunter, center of the …
this causes the light emitted by a meteor, comets in the kuiper belt circle the sun in the same _ as our planets, the part of a comet made of water …
an event in which the shadow of one celestial falls on another, a natural or artificial body that revolves around a planet, the change in the sunlit …
the iss travels 5 miles in one _ , most iss visitors are from this country, the iss was launched from earth into space in _ , skydiving off the iss, …
a large object that moves around a star, the layer of gases or air surrounding the earth or another planet, a piece of land surrounded by the sea, a …