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Astronomy Crossword Puzzles
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a hypothesized for of energy, believed to be responsible for the universe's every increasing rate of expansion, a star formed from a cloud of dust and …
things in motion tend to stay in motion, it takes the earth a full year to do complete this motion, a shooting star headed towards the earth, …
the largest planet, smallest planet, blue gas giant, home of the giant red spot, share orbit with jupiter, evening star, home of crushing atmosphere, …
the explosive end of a super red giant, the amount of energy coming off the surface of a star, formed when hydrogen fusion begins and the energy in …
point in the path of the sun when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator, small body of matter in the solar system seen when it falls into …
when the moon fully blocks the sun, the amount of time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun, when the moon is fully illuminated, the …
the cloud of dust and gas that the solar system came from, the space a object takes up, the closest star to the solar system besides the sun, the …
a star located at the end of the handle of the little dipper, in the constellation ursa minor, northern hemisphere is tilted toward sun, one of the …
pluto is this type of planet, clyde tombaugh's job, pluto was discovered in nineteen _ , antonym of predictable, synonym for motivating, about _ …
a dying phase of a star, _ nebula, what fire does, a heavenly body that produces its own heat, what stars do when they go supernova, the most common …
only star in the solar system, large mass of very hot gas, number of lunar months, minor bodies of ice, dust and rock, planet can be seen from earth, …
sun centred universe, earth centred universe, proposed the earth centred universe, came up with a model of the universe that placed the sun at the …
growth in size or increase in amount, the name given to the first four outer planets: jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune, uranus, neptune (frozen …
this is dark during a lunar eclipse, getting smaller, the moon takes 27 days to _ around the earth, the quarter of the moon when it is light on the …
this type of motion occurs when planets appear to "wander" through the sky, head librarian at alexandria; calculated the circumference of …
outer layer and largest part of the sun's atmosphere, two or more stars revolving, explanation for the beginning of the universe, lowest layer of the …
a group of stars that forms a particular shape in the sky, is one of the famous constellations called "big bear", it also can be seen all …
this causes the light emitted by a meteor, comets in the kuiper belt circle the sun in the same _ as our planets, the part of a comet made of water …
spiral galaxies are usually the _ , the force holding a galaxy together, a spiral galaxy contains both _ and old stars, this galaxy has very little …
a celestial body in orbit around a star, with a near-spherical shape, the planet named after the roman god of travel, an object in orbit of a …
the rate or number of crests of a wave that move past a given point in a given unit of time, all of time and space and its contents. includes, …
the moon block the light from the sun reaching the earth (order s.m.e.), the earth block the light from the sun reaching the moon (order s.e.m.), the …
_ is a gas giant planet that is smaller than jupiter but larger than neptune, all but two planets in the solar system have a natural satellite, or _ , …
a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape, the displacement of spectral lines toward longer …
object is furthest from the sun, a cloud of dust and gas, a large collection of stars, gas, and dust that is held together by gravity, the inward …
a graph that plots stars organized by luminosity and by their temperature, a sphere made up of extremely hot gases, a cloud of gas and dust in outer …
event that serves as the foundation for the theory of our universe's origin (7), they appear to be moving away from each other, supporting the big …
the moment when a rocket begins its ascent from the launch pad, the process of collecting and transmitting data from a spacecraft to earth, the …
what planet has the diameter of 12,104 km, jupiter has 67 _ , what planet is 67.2 million miles from the sun, what planet has the diameter of 6787 km, …
has a mass of only between 1.35 and about 2.1 times that of our sun, it is 60,000 times smaller than the sun, "failed stars", which form …