Introducing the Solar System Crossword Puzzle

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  • saturn : _ is a gas giant planet that is smaller than jupiter but larger than neptune.
  • moon : all but two planets in the solar system have a natural satellite, or _ .
  • axis : one day is the time it takes a planet to rotate on its _ .
  • venus : a planet that formed closer to the sun than earth but not closest to the sun is _ .
  • star : the sun is a(n) _ .
  • gas : the four outermost planets in the sun’s orbit are mostly made of liquid and _ .
  • satellite : a _ is an object that orbits a planet.
  • asteroid : _ is a small rocky body that orbits the sun.
  • neptune : _ is the planet farthest from the sun.
  • solar system : planetesimals collided, stuck together, and eventually combined to form all the other objects in the _ _ .
  • cloud : the solar system formed from a giant _ of gas and dust.
  • gravity : the solar system began to form as _ pulled rock, ice, and gas together.
  • astronomical : scientists use the _ unit to measure distances within the solar system.
  • jupiter : _ is the largest planet in the solar system.
  • pluto : _ , once the ninth planet in the solar system, is now considered a dwarf planet.
  • billion : scientists think the solar system formed about 4.6 _ years ago.
  • mercury : _ is the smallest planet in the solar system.
  • comet : a _ is a loose, icy body with a long, narrow orbit.
  • sun : about 99.85 percent of the mass of the solar system is contained within the _ .