Moon Phases, Eclipses, and Tides Crossword Puzzle

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  • moon : this is dark during a lunar eclipse.
  • waning : getting smaller
  • revolve : the moon takes 27 days to _ around the earth.
  • first : the quarter of the moon when it is light on the right and dark on the left.
  • lit : half of the moon is always _ .
  • counterclockwise : the moon revolves _ around the earth
  • umbra : full shadow
  • earth : during a lunar eclipse the _ is between the moon and the _ .
  • new : the phase of the moon during a solar eclipse.
  • day : a solar eclipse happens during the _ .
  • solar : this type of eclipse is when the sun is dark.
  • moon : since the _ is closer, it has a greater impact on tides.
  • gravitational : tides are created by the _ pull of the moon and the sun on earth
  • full : the phase of the moon when it is all light.
  • third : the quarter phase of the moon when it is dark on the right and light on the left
  • full : the phase of the moon when there is a lunar eclipse.
  • penumbra : partial shadow
  • new : the phase of the moon when it is all dark.
  • waxing : getting bigger
  • lunar : type of eclipse at night