Our Universe Crossword Puzzle

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Our Universe Crossword Puzzle

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  • canis major: the closest galaxy to the earth.
  • nuclear pasta: the strongest material in the known universe.
  • virgo: the largest zodiac constellation, and the 2nd largest constellation overall.
  • sirius: the 10th closest star to the sun, it is the brightest star in the night sky.
  • jovian: a type of planet composed primarily of hydrogen and helium gas with varying degrees of heavier elements.
  • spiral: the type of galaxy that ours is.
  • nebula: a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, it also refers to a clouded spot on the cornea causing defective vision.
  • cassiopeia: a constellation in the northern sky, named after the mother of andromeda in greek mythology.
  • ursa major: the 3rd largest constellation of the 88 modern constellations, and it is also commonly known as the greater of two animals.
  • crux: the smallest modern constellation.
  • alpha crucis: the brightest star in the smallest modern constellation.
  • red dwarf: it is the smallest kind of star found in the milky way.
  • galileo: the father of observational astronomy and modern science.
  • copernican: the astronomical model that positioned the sun at the center of the universe, motionless, with earth and the other planets orbiting around it in circular paths.