Asteroids, Meteors and Comets Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: friction : this causes the light emitted by a meteor, plane : comets in the kuiper belt circle the sun in the same _ as our planets, coma : the part of a comet made of water vapor and other gases, meteorite : a meteoroid that survives its passage through the earth's atmosphere and lands on the earth's surface, belt : most asteroids are found in the asteroid _ , dwarf : pluto is a _ planet, tail : the part of a comet made of gas and dust, circular : comets in the oort cloud move in _ orbits around the sun, oort cloud : longer period comets originate here in a region of the solar system far beyond the orbit of pluto, kuiper belt : another belt in the solar system that lies out past the orbit of neptune, ceres : largest asteroid on record, crater : a bowl shaped depression with a raised rim formed by the impact of a meteorite, asteroid : a rocky mass that orbits the sun, shooting : meterors are commonly called _ stars, jupiter : the asteroid is between the orbits of mars and _ , meteor : a meteoroid that burns and vaporizes upon entry into the earth's atmosphere, moons : asteroids are smaller than _ , but larger than meteors, comet : a celestial object made of ice and dust that orbits the sun, nucleus : the part of a comet called a "dirty snowball", meteoroid : general term for a small particle from a comet